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ALPHORN 555 — 31. August 2024

Guinness World Record for the Largest Alphorn Ensemble:
1006 Alphorns!

On 31. August 2024, Puget Sound Alphorn player Gary Martin from Edmonds, WA was one of 1,006 alphorn players who came to central Switzerland and set a new Guinness World Record for the Largest Alphorn Ensemble! The goal was to break the old official record of 366 set in 2009, and an unofficial record of 508 set in 2013, both in Zermatt, Switzerland. The organizers picked 555 as a target number of alphorn players. Interest was much greater than anticipated and reached 1,006 alphorn players!

Colleagues from the Lucerne School of Music, Yannick Wey and Andrea Kammermann, were designated by the Guinness reps as the official independent observers for this event. Yannick Wey was in Edmonds and the Seattle area in May 2024 for several local events — see link here.

Gary with Andrea Kammermann and Yannick Wey at Hotel Bänklialp in Engelberg,
where Johann Aregger wrote "Uf de Bänklialp", played for the Guinness World Record.
We celebrated the forthcoming publication of my English translation of their 2nd book
on the history of Yodeling and the Alphorn: "The Yodeling Mind."
Link to the books on Yodeling and the Alphorn

ALPHORN 555 Location: Klewenalp, near Beckenried, Central Switzerland
Google Maps

Personal, Edited and Select Images & Videos

Official Links

More Videos:

Local Press

Alphorn 555 Event — Perfectly Organized

Email Correspondence

From January-August 2024 with constant updates.



E.J.V = Eidgenössischer Jodlerverein = Swiss Federal Yodeling Association
Comprised of 5 regional associations: Bern, Central, Northeast, Northwest, West Switzerland

Organization Committtee

12-page comprehensive information document

Maps and Event Information

Checklist of Registration Materials

Personal Travel Plan for each participant, from anywhere in Switzerland

I stayed at the fabulous Stanserhof Boutique Hotel, about a 2 minute walk from the Stans Bahnhof.
I took the B 310 bus at the Stans Bahnhof at 8:22 am, direction of Altdorf UR, Bahnhof West,
then got off the bus at Beckenried Post at 8:40 am.

My pre-paid bus ticket

Gondola ticket & emergency info.

Event ID for Gondola & Lunch

Time to get the gondola: 9:00
Time for lunch: 11:00
Place for lunch: Tent Alpenrose

Event ID for entering world record zone

Time to enter the record zone: 13:00
Place to enter: Eingang B
QR code to scan upon entry into zone

Voucher for 1 free lunch and drink


Pin (now on my hat)

Personalized Certificate



The mountain railways Beckenried-Emmetten AG and
the Swiss Federal Yodeling Association confirm:

Gary Martin

was part of the ensemble as
ALPHORN 555 that achieved the world record for the

"Largest Alphorn-Ensemble of the World"
with 1006 alphorn players

on the Klewenalp in Nidwalen,

Officially certified on 31. Aug 2024

ALPHORN 555 / E.J.V.


Everything above was absolutely free for each participant.

For separate purchase: Shirts and Hoodies in various colors & sizes:

My shirt selection


My hoodie selection


Text on the front:
"I was there!"
in the 4 national languages of Switzerland:

German: Ich war dabei!
French: J'étais là!
Italian: C'ero anch'io!
Romansh: Eu d'eira da la partida!


Poem: Alphorn-Weltrekord, Klewenalp 2024 English translation: Gary Martin
Auf der Klewenalp, da klingt das Horn,
Alphornklänge, zart gebor'n.
Berge ragen, stolz und weit,
ein unvergesslich Erlebnis bleibt.
Im Tal die Echos widerhall'n,
die Töne durch die Lüfte schwall'n.
1006 AlphornbläserInnen, vereint,
erschaffen ein Echo, das in Herzen keimt.
Ein Augenblick, so klar und rein,
dieses Fest wird ewig sein.
On the Klewenalp, there sounds the horn,
alphorn tunes, softly born.
tower, proud and wide,
experiences ne'er forgotten abide.
The valley resounds with echoes from high,
tones swell through breeze and sky.
alphorn players, as one in their parts,
an echo that sprouts in hearts.
A moment in time so clear and pure,
this festival remains forever sure.