My first experience hearing alphorns was an Alphorn concert at Washington Pass Overlook from members of the Spokane Horn Club in the year 2000. Archived article here. Excerpt:
A Symphony Of Festivals, Jul 7, 2000, Melinda Bargreen, Seattle Times classical music critic:
"Methow Music Festival, Aug. 5-20: A relative newcomer, this 5-year-old festival brings together some fine musicians, most of them from the Seattle area, for bucolic concerts in the meadow and in the barn at the Mazama, Okanogan County, site in the Methow Valley. This year, radio host (KING-FM) and pianist/harpsichordist George Shangrow will be featured, along with violist Eric Shumsky, pianist Duane Hulbert, violinist Sungil Lee, flutist Jeffrey Cohan, violinist Walter Schwede, soprano Terri Richter and others. There's an Alphorn concert at the Washington Pass Overlook, with 12-foot-long Swiss horns from the Spokane Horn Club, and mainstream chamber repertoire by Vivaldi, Beethoven, Debussy, Mozart and the usual suspects. Concerts span three weekends, with different programs each night."